Commercial Solar PV - Lumen Solar

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Commercial Solar PV

Lumen Solar specializes in providing Irish businesses with design, installation, and maintenance services for commercial solar panels across all industry sectors. This green technology offers substantial returns on investment and has become increasingly popular among Irish businesses. Many have already switched to solar power to run their operations, especially since the recent spike in electricity prices. With the introduction of carbon taxes in the coming years, costs are expected to rise further, but solar power can help offset these taxes.


Investing in and installing commercial solar panels can provide significant financial and environmental benefits for businesses. While most businesses are aware of their annual electricity consumption, they may not know the actual cost of electricity. A typical commercial solar panel system can provide free electricity for over 25 years, generate financial returns of up to 20% per year, and pay back installation costs in around 5 years. Contact us now for a free quotation. Solar panels offer a multitude of environmental benefits. By installing a 250kWp solar PV system, an organization can reduce its carbon footprint by approximately 86 tonnes, which is equivalent to planting almost 4,000 trees.

Ground Mounted Commercial Solar Panels

While most businesses tend to choose an on-roof solar PV system, it's worth considering a ground array for your premises if a roof-mounted system isn't feasible or doesn't suit your needs. Our team of experts can conduct a thorough site survey and provide you with tailored advice on the most suitable solutions for your specific scenario. Commercial Solar Panels With Battery Storage Systems At our company, we strive to create bespoke systems that seamlessly integrate commercial solar panels with battery storage systems, ensuring that your business's energy needs are met in the most efficient way possible.

Commercial Solar Panels With Battery Storage Systems

At our company, we strive to create bespoke systems that seamlessly integrate commercial solar panels with battery storage systems, ensuring that your business's energy needs are met in the most efficient way possible.